How is it that you are turning 21, in Heaven?
How is it that you are turning 21, in Heaven? You made me a mother on May 21, 1999 - we had a rough start. The first 4 weeks were tumultuous, to say the least, and then, it was the two of us. We were grateful for the “cradle of
Episode 8: Galvanizing Deaths
Episode 8. My older brother, Will Corporon is my guest in Episode 8, Galvanizing Deaths. As his trajectory of life took a significant shove, Will discusses how he walked with the grief while continuing to live his life, for others and himself. He offers insight on living in the eye
Episode 7: What Happened to My Safe Bubble?
Episode 7. Have you cried yet? Have tempers flared in your household? Are you exhausted from cooking, cleaning and
Episode 6: Sunayana Dumala
In episode 6, I interview Sunayana Dumala. Sunayana is Hindu and an immigrant from India. Her husband was targeted for the color of his skin. What the shooter didn’t know was the resilience of his victim’s spouse. Her tenacity, strength, and grace would quickly be broadcast around the world. I
Is Hate Becoming Normal?
April 13, 2014 “The young man brought in from the gunshot wounds, did not survive. We lost this heart beat in the ambulance.” - Ron D Fishman, MD, Overland Park Regional Medical Center. We lost his heartbeat. Another crushing blow physically, mentally, emotionally. I was reeling. If not for the chair already holding
Episode 5: New Normal
Episode 5, titled “New Normal” has been lived by me since April 13, 2014. The significant changes humanity is now facing were faced by me in 2014…MY WORLD came to a sudden halt when my son, Reat, and my father lost their lives to a hate crime. As soon as I