The Real Grief- Real Healing podcast features stories and offers you the opportunity to hear from real people about their life-altering experiences and what steps they took and are taking to find healing.
I know real grief. The pain of losing my child and father is with me, always. The pain has lessened over the 6 years since their deaths…and it can sneak its way into my soul as a reminder of the immense love I hold for both of them.
I know real healing. I have learned to belly laugh and find joy in the life I am living. Frequently, I am belly laughing through tears while sadness and joy hold hands.
There are many ways for each of us to heal...join me as we explore real grief and real healing.

Why listen to me?
What does forgiveness mean to you? This question has been posed to me countless times since 2014 when my father and son were murdered due to one person’s hatred of Jews. This same question passed my lips as I interviewed Chris Singleton, a former professional baseball player, author, inspirational speaker, husband, father, and son that ANY mother would want for themselves. Sharonda Coleman-Singleton lost her life to gun violence in the hate crime that took the lives of 9 African Americans while they were praying during Bible study on June 17, 2015, inside their Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina.
Find links to Mindy’s resources and more on her Show Notes page for this podcast.
Healing a Shattered Soul is available on Amazon and Audible in addition to local bookstores.
When you’re looking for an opportunity to increase your kindness take a look at SevenDays® Make a Ripple, Change the World!. Life can be more fun when you connect the people who weave the fabric of your existence together. A large part of my healing journey, the process I call, ‘finding my onward’ was created when we produced its first annual SevenDays® in 2015. This April, you and literally thousands of other humans, can join us for our ninth annual, SevenDays® Make a Ripple, Change the World. What is YOUR ONWARD?
Find links to Mindy’s resources and more on her Show Notes page for this podcast.
Healing a Shattered Soul is available on Amazon and Audible in addition to local bookstores.